
love the Pima cotton

I love simple plain tees.
Many of my tees are made of Pima cotton. They are the softest and lightest, they almost feel as if you are wearing nothing... they are also incredibly strong and luster... If you have ever purchased a product made of Pima cotton you know what I mean. I think the organically grown Pima cotton tees are one of the best tees you can purchase.

What is Pima cotton?
Pima cotton is a generic name for extra-long staple cotton grown in Arizona, California, New Mexico and in very limited production in a few other locations around the world.
The name came in honor of the Pima Indians who were growing the cotton for the USDA in Sacaton, Arizona, where the government’s Pima breeding program was being conducted in about 1910.


My addictions 更新

1. 煌びやかなコスチューム 

2. オーガニックランジェリー 

3. Organicという単語

 4. 固形石鹸

 5. 薔薇

 6. 珈琲 

7. 香 

8. 黒レース 

9. 白レース 

10. 大人のフリル 

11. 美男子がささやくスペイン語

12. Pimaコットンの肌触り 

13. 韓国(美)男子 

14. Rawという単語 

15. 男前女子